We’ve all been there before — you inhale or ingest a little cannabis, expecting it to lull you into peace and serenity only to find your mind racing, overthinking the ins and outs of your entire day. While cannabis is known for its calming, sedative properties, it’s also known to sometimes induce anxiety or paranoia. Why […]
THC For Nausea Relief
Twisting, turning, gurgling, and bubbling that leaves you light headed — a.k.a. nausea — is uncomfortable and unnerving. Digestive distress, medication side effects, viruses, bacteria, migraines, motion sickness, and chronic health conditions are a few of the many reasons someone may feel nauseous. While it doesn’t always lead to vomiting, chronic nausea can still lead to […]
TRP Channels: The Expanded Endocannabinoid System
As it currently stands, the endocannabinoid system only consists of CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, there are several cannabinoids with therapeutic properties that hardly bind to these receptors at all. For example, non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as CBD and CBG don’t display very much interaction with your CB1 and CB2 receptors. Yet, we know CBD and […]
Endocannabinoids vs. Phytocannabinoids
The tale of two cannabinoids is told by endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are naturally produced by your body, regardless of your cannabis use. Meanwhile, phytocannabinoids are produced by plants. Although both fall into the general classification of cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids are often referred to as just “cannabinoids” in the popular media. Nevertheless, all cannabinoids — whether they’re […]
Understanding the Relationship between the Endocannabinoid System and Cannabis
Human beings began utilizing the cannabis Sativa plant hundreds if not thousands of years ago. Cannabis represents an incredible plant species that provides material for fabrics, food, medicine, and psychoactive properties.