For decades now, experts and everyday folk alike have recognized cannabis as an effective way to catch a few more winks. Some strains are particularly revered for the hypnotizing, “couch-lock” effects they produce. While many take CBD before bed, studies show THC has sleep-promoting effects in its own right, too. So, what does the science […]
How can CBD help with Sleep?
Imagine taking a gummy or just a few drops of a tincture and having your racing thoughts melt away as you’re lulled into a deep, peaceful slumber. For the 50 million and counting Americans who suffer from sleep disorders, such a solution sounds like it could only exist in a dream. Yet, it’s the reality […]
Does CBD Help You Sleep?
Sleep is such a crucial part of your schedule, yet according to the CDC, between 30 and 40% of adults don’t get the required amount of sleep each night. It’s no wonder, then, that so many people are looking for solutions to their sleep problems. Sleep disorders range from mild to severe. There are people […]